Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Not Sure What Happened

I've had and successfully used a bread making machine for years.  I like home made bread.  So the other day I decided to make a loaf of bread.

So I got out all the ingredients and got started.  
I dumped all the right amounts of the right stuff into the pan.  Then I did all the settings, same as usual, and turned it on.
Three hours later I took the loaf out of the pan.  I'm not sure what happened.  Instead of the usual nicely shaped, golden brown loaf of bread, I got a deformed, misshapen little creature.  Fortunately, it still tasted normal, really yummy.  I dunno - maybe my yeast was old.  Anyway, I'll hope it goes better next time.  But I'll still enjoy the taste of this loaf.  I'll just eat it with my eyes closed.

Monday, February 19, 2024

Another Birthday, Another Cake

A few weeks ago we celebrated the birthday of one of our grandkids.  That was fun.  He happens to have a brother who's birthday was just the other day; they're close to exactly a year apart in age.  He saw the fun his brother had designing his own birthday cake so he wanted to do the same.  And, lucky for him, he has a grandmother who was more than happy to do that. She likes doing things like that for her grandkids.

This cake also began with a concept drawing.  That's half the fun.  Then grandma did the baking.  This time around, the baking was a little frustrating.  Brombeere made all the cakes the day before the birthday boy was to arrive but for some reason, two of the three cakes failed, they fell.  Actually, they didn't cook so as the outer edges were getting over-done, the center was still gooey batter.  Unacceptable.  We never did figure out why that happened but when she redid the cakes, they worked the second time.  So in the end, we had the cake we needed to finish.  Phew!
On the day before the party, when the birthday boy arrived, the day was full so he didn't get to help as much as his brother had.  But he didn't seem to mind.  He did get to make some critical decisions, like the color scheme.  He was happy with that, it was enough for him.  But pretty much all the assembly and decorating happened after he had gone to bed.  HIs dad, Schwarzbeere, again demonstrated his artistry by making the final decorations to be added. 
And then, again late in the night, we had a finished cake.
And all the decorations.  We were ready for a party!
And the birthday boy was happy with the outcome.  A cake he had designed himself.  Pretty snazzy!
In the end, he was pretty happy with his birthday cake and party  A pretty nice way to advance in age.