Monday, October 7, 2024

More Gardening

This summer has really zipped by.  Suddenly it's fall and summer is more or less over. The weather got cold and the first frost is upon us.  So, the gardening is done. But it was fun while it lasted.
As usual, we started with a bare garden spot.  While we do have a couple of things that winter over, like some blackberry bushes and a couple of peony plants, for the most part, the garden has to be planted each spring. 
We didn't even till the whole garden space. This year, we went mostly with tomatoes.  Brombeere really likes tomatoes and they're fairly easy to grow.  And much of what we put in this year we got from Blaubeere, who is really into gardening. 
The first thing we harvested was some little, yellow cherry tomatoes.  We only had one plant so they came and went pretty fast.  They were pretty good, too.
Then the more traditional tomatoes began ripening.  That was nice.
Through the summer we would watch them begin to ripen.
A spot of red here and there.  
It was nice to see them coming.
Soon, more and more red began showing up.
Then it was nice to get them in the house and on the table. We only had a few bushes so the harvest was never really big.  That was okay, who has time to preserve anything anyway?  But they were nice to have at the dinner table as they came on.
There was never a time when we had lots and lots.  It was a warm summer but I don't think it got as hot for as long as it did last year.  It seemed to be real good weather for the tomatoes this year.
Then, suddenly, there was a day when the predicted low was only 34 degrees and we decided we better bring everything in for the last harvest.  We had a good helper for that.
That last harvest was hot huge, but, because we brought in everything that was even a little red, it was bigger than any previous harvest.  So some will need to ripen in the window for a few days before they're ready, but it will stretch the enjoyment out a few days.  Yeah, pretty much all we got this year was tomatoes, but it was enough.  There's nothing quite like homegrown tomatoes. Always yummy, Brombeere loves them so.