Saturday, June 6, 2009

Ready to go!

Guess what?! One of the hardest parts of getting everything ready to submit was the picture. But we got it done and everything has been submitted. Stachelbeere has been working on this for a while, now. So now the waiting game has begun. We're hoping his date to enter the MTC will be in mid-August. That would be perfect timing. Then we could see everybody, see our new missionary off and be back in time for the beginning of school. Yeah, that would be great.

Stachelbeere has been working with our Branch President to go on a mini-mission before he goes on the actual mission. That will involve a couple of weeks staying with full time missionaries, doing what missionaries do. That will be an adventure.


misskate said...

What a good lookin' guy!

It's so exciting that everything's all in place. Yay!!

James and Doralie said...

YAY! Go Jake! He's sure looking sharp in the mission attire.

Ritsumei said...

Hurray Stachelbeere!! Mid-Aug would be wonderful. I'm a bit surprised that they still do mini-missions: I was told the program was discontinued. That's why I didn't do one. Huh.