Friday, July 5, 2013

An Afternoon at the Lake

Being a summer holiday and all we decided to go to the lake and do some kayaking and swimming.  It was a real nice afternoon, not too hot, and the bug didn't come out until after the sun got down so it was a very nice time.

Only one kayak in our family so we had to take turns.  After some discussion, it was decided and Schwarzbeere got to be first.  I know, youngest, etc.  All that stuff.  Actually it was an easy decision and off he went.
This was not a big lake we were on, maybe 30 acres. So they paddle out and back and its a good ride. Nobody went clear to the other side but they all did go way out there.
Stachelbeere went next. He probably went farther out than anyone else. 

Brombeere went last, with lots of help.  I like how these boys are so helpful with their mother, even if its questionable at the time exactly how much help they are. 

We only stayed about an hour; the bugs got bad, especially near the shore.  But it was a very good time.  A peaceful, restful time (as paddeling the kayak is).  It was a good way to spend a day of the holiday.


misskate said...

Looks like a blast! One of these days I need to come up while you're all playing with the kayak.

Anne Chovies said...

We can do that Monday if the weather's good!