We recently took the opportunity to go visit Erdbeere and her family. It was a good visit. Now, let me say right up front that this post is going to make it look like we only saw the grandkids, Townsend and Moon. But that's not the case, we saw their parents, too. Its just that the grandkids ... Well, you know how it is. We love our kids but their kids sometimes end up getting into more pictures than they do.
Anyway, we did a whole bunch of fun stuff while we were visiting. When you're not around them 24/7, isn't everything they do kind of cute and fun? Sure! One of the first things was some painting. I thought it was interesting to see the different style, or techniques to their painting. They both had pretty much the same choice of brushes but Townsend chose a brush whereas Moon basically "stamped" his painting.
Lots and lots of dots.
But they both had fun and they both ended up some pretty nice paintings.
When they were all done, the paintings went up to dry and be on display. Pretty nice. Townsend was willing to interrupt his scootering to stand by his painting briefly.
Moon not so much. He was on to other things.
The next day we had planned on going to Shedd Aquarium but when we got looking at admission, parking, and all that jazz it was looking pretty expensive. So we opted for the nearby Maggie C Daley Park instead. The kids probably enjoyed that more anyway.
So we drove into the city. We could have taken the train, Townsend would have loved that. But we opted to drive instead.
So we drove and actually ended up in a pretty decent parking spot in the garage under the park. We took the elevator up and there it was!
Kids are funny at a big park like this - they struggle to know what to play on first. It all looks so fun and inviting that they end up running from place to place before finally settling on a place to stay and play for a while.
Slides and all kinds of stuff to climb on.
Padded walk ways, ridges to climb on ...
... things to spin ...
... swings. It was a good time. We took some sandwiches and ate while we were there. We wore the kids out - it was a great time!
Later the playdoh came out. They have some cool toys to use on the playdoh.
Even grandma got into the game.
Almost looks like something you'd find painted on the wall of a canyon. I thought it turned out quite nice.
We also hit a story time for a little while. First the kids heard a story.
Then the kids got to use popsicle sticks, pipe cleaners, and other crafty stuff to make things from the story. They had a good time.
During a quiet moment I was playing an LDS version of hangman and Townsend came over to watch. I was kind of surprised that he was that interested in it. I usually start by trying all the vowels and then filling in the consonants. That works pretty well for me, I win more than I lose. Townsends didn't know his vowels when he first started watching but by the time we stopped he was getting them pretty good, he could name them. But what really surprised me was how many of the words he guessed. He was doing pretty good!
It was a fun visit. There's lots to see and do in that area but, really, the best part is just being there and visiting. That's the best part. It was a fun visit.
11 months ago
1 comment:
It *was* a fun visit 😊
I'm glad you were able to come down. It's always nice to see you both.
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