Monday, August 17, 2020

More Bocce Ball

The other day we went out to the lake.  Among other things we played some Bocce Ball, which was a lot of fun.  More recently, we got the game out again and played it with some little kids, Schwartzbeere's kids.  That was a lot of fun.  As before, to start with, the little white ball has to be carefully placed in the playing field.

Once the little white ball is in position, the game is ready to start.  This time, Grandma got the game started by explaining how to play and taking her turn first.  Grandma was tossing the red balls.

 Each person gets two balls to toss.

Next was Big Red, tossing the blue balls.

He was followed by his little brother, who was tossing the green balls.  As you might imagine, each of these players had their own, unique style.  This one liked the "wind up".

Last of all came the little sister.  Another unique style.  Kind of all over the place, with the ball landing who knows where, all without much regard of where the little white ball was.  But she was having fun, so what the heck, right?

As the game wore on and the attention spans began to wane, one young man decided to try tossing both balls at once.

Yeah, that had mixed results.  But the game actually lasted quite a while before they lost interested.  It was a good time.  If you have the patience, playing with little kids and the variations they bring to games can be a lot of fun.

1 comment:

misskate said...

Niiiice! Any game that can hold the littlest participants' attention is a winner in my book :)