Sunday, October 23, 2022

Fall Foliage

We usually try to get to somewhere around us, a day trip, each fall to take in the fall colors.  We're blessed to live in a place that has four distinct seasons, the prettiest of which is the fall with all the marvelous colors.  This year, however, we ended up going out of town just as the colors were starting to turn; we were unable to make a day trip to see colors.  But on our way back home through some mountains out west, we got to see some spectacular colors anyway.  

Our trips out west are usually to the Intermountain West.  Lots of mountain areas, covered with trees.
The trees are a different kind, since the elevation, up in the mountains, is 7,000 - 10,000 feet and higher. Quite a bit higher than the 1,000 feet above sea level of the Mid-West.
That means different kinds of trees, different colors.  But still very beautiful.
Throw in the vistas afforded by being up in thee mountains, and you get some very nice scenery.
The colors didn't seem to us to be quite as bright and vibrant as at home, but in their own way, still very beautiful.
The roads usually run near the rivers, which are winding their way down out of the mountains.
All in all, it was a very nice drive home while we were up in the mountains.
These photos were taken in northern Utah and western Wyoming.  We went, among other places, through Jackson, Wyoming and passed the Grand Teton Mountains.  Some very beautiful area.  We made it through some pretty high mountain passes and got to see some spectacular mountain views, made all the more pretty by the colorful fall leaves.  It was a very nice drive for the time we were up in the  mountains.  A nice day trip in any case.

1 comment:

misskate said...

Gorgeous!! Great way to see the leaves. Plus, up in the mountains, the sky is so much bluer. I think that's what I miss the most from my time living out west; that blue Colorado.