Saturday, July 16, 2011


We went camping this weekend at our favorite camp ground. Sissy camping (with water, electricity, showers, flushies, the whole nine-yards). Not roughing it but we like it. We got there, pitched the tent and then set about relaxing. The menus were all planned so that no cooking was involved.

Brombeere got the fire going - she's the best "boy scout" in our family. Then we set up the camp chairs and got out the marshmellows. Schwarzebeere made sure that we ended up with the mega-sized marshmellows.

Some of us are better at cookingmarshmellows than others. Brombeere's, of course, turned out near perfect.

Others prefer theirs a little more cooked.

It was a good time. Lots of relaxing got done. Being the first one awake in the morning means some very peaceful, quiet time. And, as usual, it rained. Fortunately, only a little. It was a good time.


misskate said...

Yay for camping :) looks like you guys had fun. I've always wanted to try s'mores with the megga marshmallows! Yu-huh-mmy!

Ritsumei said...

Sounds wonderful; wish we could have come!