Sunday, April 21, 2013

The Food of Heaven

 So we were sitting there having dinner and I was putting some onions on my salad, little scallion onions, yummy stuff. And I said to Maulbeere, "You want some onions on your salad?"

She said no.

I said, They're yummy, you should try some.

She said no.

I said, You should get used to them, they will be in heaven.

She said she would just leave them alone there.

I said But they are a perfect food, you'll like them.

She said no.

I said, You'll be perfect then.  You'll like them.

She still said no.

I decided not to press the matter.  She'll get there and see I was right.


1 comment:

misskate said...

Scallions hardly count as onions, but still.. I think I have to side with Maulbeere with the no onions on salad thing