Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Snow Again!

 The other day it snowed again.  I asked Himbeere if he'd clear the driveway and he jumped right up and got to it!  I was impressed! It is such a help when he or the other kids are willing to help like that because I can't do it myself.  So he was out there, in the cold, working away and it hit me - he was wearing shorts.  Sixteen degrees and he's wearing shorts to clear the driveway. He's a bit crazy. Good thing it was one of the warmer days we had during January.


misskate said...

Brrrrrrrr brrrrr brrrrrrrr!
Though, I suppose, working nights might give one more tolerance for the cold when the sun is up....

Ritsumei said...

Oi!! He's a crazy man!!

Dorine said...

February 16, 2014 - He is out there again - snowblowing in his shorts!! This time it is night. I suggested it might be a little cold for shorts todaysince it is a whopping 14 degrees. He said, "There isn't much. I will only be 5 minutes!" And off he went to blow snow! I hope he doesn't turn into a popcycle!!