Sunday, December 21, 2014

A Wedding in Our Family!

As I was sitting down this evening to do a little blogging it occurred to me that I was noting that Maulbeere got engaged, which happened earlier this week, without ever having posted about Schwartzbeere's wedding, which happened last August.  I am remiss. Forthwith let me fix that.

 I like to take pictures.  I like to take pictures a lot.  So I do. As you can well imagine, at an event like a wedding, an event that usually takes up a large portion of the day, a lot of pictures are taken.  The hard part becomes paring them all down to pick a few to post and share.

 This wedding was a little different from any other that has happened in our family in the past.  A few wedding traditions were observed.  So the bride got to take the walk down the aisle. And what's more, she was accompanied not just by her father but by her father and her mother both.  I thought that was nice, a nice recognition of two people who have been important in her life up to that point.

Another fun thing that has developed in our family is that we have a cake expert or two in the group.  So Heidlebeere was in charge of the cake.  She did the engineering, though she did have a bit of help from several people, including her oldest.  What a team.
Schwartzbeere and his bride picked the figurines that went on top of the cake.  Initially the plan had been to not have any figurines on top.  But the day of the wedding they were in a store and saw these and decided they would be perfect.  So that's what ended up on the cake.
 The cake, when it was done, turned out really well.  It looked near perfect.  That was quite the trick considering it was baked and decorated to about 85% done and then packed up and transported 70 miles to where the wedding was held.  Then it was carefully unpacked and assembled.  When the finishing touches had been added it looked real nice.  More on that later.
Lots of family, lots of pictures.  The bride's family welcoming the new groom into his family. The grooms family welcoming the new bride into her new family. Two families coming together to celebrate a new family getting started. Certainly a time for celebration. That's what its all about.  Maybe that's one reason the Lord, in the scriptures, speaks of time passing and life going on as "marrying and giving in marriage."  It is the cycle of life.

Now every wedding has its memorable moment.  Some more humorous, some less so.  Some that take a while to be able to laugh at, some that are instantly hilarious.  I'll let you decide where this one fits into that continuum. After the cake was all decorated and on display, looking absolutely perfect, the room got warm.  Warm room and cake icing don't always play together nicely.  And so it was that the icing warmed up and softened up and something I've never seen happen at a wedding took place. The top two tiers of cake slid off of the bottom tier.  Yup.  It really happened.  And you'll notice in the picture that batman and the princess survived the ride quite nicely.  So what to do you?  You paste it back together as best you can and the wedding went on.  And the nice thing was that, other than Heidlebeere being a bit mortified, everyone took it quite well.  And at the end of the day, it was a good day to be alive and together.

1 comment:

Ritsumei said...

I heard stories about that cake! I heard the stories, but there's nothing quite like seeing it. Those pictures are pretty amazing.