I was looking through some of our older pictures the other day, from back before digital cameras. Yes, these were old fashion prints. I was scanning a bunch of these old prints so I could use them online. These were from a time when we found a big old frog hopping around outside our back door.
We used to occasionally find frogs in the yard but this one was one of the bigger ones. It was evening and the little kids were pretty much ready for bed. I had gone outside for something and seen the frog so I brought it in to show the kids. I thought it would be interesting to see how they would react. The only one still up and around was our little girl, Maulbeere. She was just over two years old.
Her reaction was interesting. She didn't seem afraid of the frog at all, but did need to work up a little courage to touch it. So her Mom held the frog and let Maulbeere get familiar with it. Then, after a few minutes her Mom offered to let her hold it. She was willing to do that. And then it was soooo cool - she was holding it. "Oooooh, look what I have!"
Little kids are so fun!
9 months ago
Old pictures are so fun!
2 is a *great* age. And she was so expressive at 2, it's so fun. I have a picture of her from around then, or at least, I used to, that I always wanted to use to turn her into a fairy. Such a cutie.
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