Wednesday, January 10, 2018

The End of an Era

President Thomas S Monson passed away several days ago, on January 2, 2018.  He was ninety.  Whenever a president of the church passes away everyone reminiscences about their experiences with him.  I'm no different, I suppose.  Years ago, when I was in college, right after returning from my mission, I ended up being the official photographer at the LDS Institute where I was attending school.  I happened into it, actually, it wasn't something I sought for.  I just took my camera to an institute activity and began taking pictures.  One of the institute officers saw me and asked if I'd be the photographer.  I said sure and that's how it happened.

Anyway, the institute had a monthly program where they would invite a speaker to address the institute student body.  As the photographer, I took pictures of the speakers when they came.  And so when Elder Thomas S Monson, of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, came to speak one month, I took his picture as well.
Elder Thomas S Monson
I usually sat in the congregation, off to one side, and used my tele-converter to get a nice picture.  That was before I had a good telephoto lens.
Elder Thomas S Monson
Normally, I took a few of photos of the speaker.  Then I'd put my camera away and listen.  Well, when President Monson passed away I went digging through my oldest photos again, looking for those pictures I'd taken as institute photographer.  Alas, once again I did not find them.  I was looking for black and white negatives since a lot of the pictures I took during that period were black and white because my roommate had taught me how to develop and print my own black and white photos.  I had actually looked for those pictures several times over the years but had never found them.  Then, today, quite by accident, I stumbled onto them.  I had bought a slide converter a while ago and decided to finally get it out today and try it.  And the easiest slides to get to were a little stash of slides I'd collected and stuck in the drawer of my night stand.  Low, and behold, when I got looking at them, there were the pictures of Elder Monson!  Callooh! Callay!

Over the years, I've grown to really like President Monson.  While I had no trouble at all accepting him as the Prophet and President of the Church, I would be dishonest if I didn't admit that some of the leading brethren are more likable to me than others. President Spencer W Kimball, for example, was incredibly easy to love.  President Hinckley as well.  I could listen to President Hinckley all day.  In that respect, President Monson had a tough act to follow.  But he grew on me and I was sorry to see him decline and finally pass away.
President Thomas S Monson
He lead the church through some turbulent times.  He had to maintain and institute some unpopular policies.  But he was faithful to the end.  Many have commented that the church slowed in its advancement and growth under his leadership, as though that was somehow a failure on President Monson's part.  I don't believe that is the case at all.  Knowing President Monson, he did exactly what the Lord wanted done.  I have no doubt whatsoever he was faithful to the end.

1 comment:

misskate said...

How fun to have a picture of Pres Monson :) That's a cool calling to have