Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Another Day at the Lake

The other day we had a few of our kids together and decided to head for the lake.  That's always a good time.  Rain was predicted for later in the afternoon but we figured we could sneak in a picnic and some play before it started.

We took traditional picnic food: hot dogs and burgers, potato salad, watermelon, grapes, all yummy stuff.
We let the kids play in the water while to food cooked, then we called them over.
So there was nice chatting time for the grown-ups, along with all the outdoor fun the kids always like.
The "ice-cream man" even made a timely appearance at a good time, after the good, healthy stuff was done.  That was a bit of serendipity.
Because we had taken the kayaks, we also had the life jackets along; the kids all liked wearing them.
We also had some safety goggles, which did double duty for looking around under water.
Fun in the water is always welcome.
Then the kayaks came out.  Schwartzbeere made the first trip out on the lake by himself.
Then he came back and the kids got turns.
Each of the kids got a turn out in the kayak with either Schwatrzbeere or Brombeere.
They all liked that.
Our resident entomologist even found a friend to play with.  This one faired much better than the last one; it survived the encounter.

All in all, it was a very nice time at the lake.  Everybody was happy when it was time to go.  And we were all cleaned up, packed up, and leaving just as the rain drops began falling. It was a good time.

1 comment:

misskate said...

Sounds like a lovely time (and perfect timing)