Tuesday, June 18, 2024

The Season Opener

Summer is officially here, it has begun.  So we got our kayaks out,  packed a few sandwiches and goodies, and headed to our favorite lake for an afternoon of fun in the sand and on the water.

It was a warm afternoon, the hottest day yet of the summer season.  And we needed something to do with the kids.
And what kid doesn't like to play in the water.
So they played in the water, seeing what treasures they could find on the sandy bottom, by the little beach.
Playing and splashing, cooling off.
One of the things we like about this beach is that the water is quite clear for lake water.
They found plenty of shells and pretty rocks, which they called "gems".  Good times.
Then Schwarzbeere got out in the kayak.  The kids love it when he took them each out.
Good time out on the water.
Good time out with their dad.
Schwarzbeere's oldest got brave enough to try it out on his own.  This, actually, was not his first time out by himself. But it was his first time this summer.
He was feeling pretty confident
He stayed in the swim area for a while (we were the only ones at the beach).  But he was having trouble getting himself seated properly and was struggling with the paddles so it wasn't going too well.  About the time the kayak tipped and spilled him out he decided it was more fun going out with his dad.
They must have wore him out.
Either that, or he was just enjoying the solitude of drifting around on the water, relaxing.  In any case, it was a good, relaxing afternoon and everyone enjoyed themselves.  When we got home that night the kids all slept real well.  Must have worn them all out.

1 comment:

misskate said...

Awesome! Looks like a great day for it, too!