Friday, July 12, 2024

Again a Little Progress

Our garage is a mess.  I've written about that before.  A couple of times.  Every time we make a significant dent in the mess, life happens and it turns into a mess again.  One of the things that is a significant contributor to the mess is all the stuff we have accumulated to take care of the yard and garden.  We have thought for a long time that getting a little shed for the yard and then moving all that stuff for the yard and garden out into the shed would go a long way to clearing up space in the garage.  Now, recently, we've finally been able to do just that.

We knew where in the yard we wanted to put the shed, we'd measured the trees behind the fence and made sure the space was free from limbs, rocks, and other things that might interfere, and were ready to go.  We'd actually been talking to a friend who had volunteered to build it for us a couple of years ago but he is the kind of guy who likes to keep real busy so convincing him we were serious and getting him to schedule it in took a while.  A couple of times I had brought the subject up with him, intending to let him out of doing it and getting someone else.  But each time he said, no, we'll get it done.  And finally he committed to a time and the time arrived.  
I began ordering parts.  He had said to have them delivered to his place because he had space to hold them until everything was there and he was ready to actually begin. I had ordered a shed kit of precut materials so that it just needed to be assembled. And the day finally arrived, he brought everything over that I had ordered and they got started.  
We positioned the shed at the fence and took a section of fence out so we could open the shed into the yard.  The first day they brought stuff over and did the ground work that would be under the shed.  The next day they got started on assembling the shed.  
Over the next few days they worked putting it together, sometimes into the night.  Fortunately we had some good lights so they were able to work as late as they wanted.  
Gradually, the shed began to take shape and came together.  It was looking pretty good.
The kit didn't include roofing materials, there were several options.  We went with metal roofing he had left over from a project he had done at his place.  I bought it from him and it went on for a very nice fit.
And finally, working between rain storms during this rainy month we had, it was all done.  He cleaned up the left overs and hauled it all off and our shed was ready to move into.
The day he declared it done it rained.  And it rained for the next couple of days.  Because of the work and the rain, I hadn't been able to mow the lawn for almost two weeks.  So as soon as the rain stopped I mowed the lawn. When I was done I parked the mowers in the new shed.  The move in had begun!
The plan was to move all the yard care and gardening stuff into the shed. But even with just the two lawnmowers gone there is a lot more room in the garage.    
And a nice trail to the back door, wider than it's been for a while.
We still haven't moved everything that is going to the shed, we're not sure at this point if the snowblower is going or not. We'll see how much room the other stuff takes and what room is left.  I'll be the first to admit there is still a mess in the garage.  As in the past, much of what's left belongs to a couple of our kids and we're hoping that it eventually finds its way to their places and out of our garage. Schwartzbeere still has two little motorcycles, lots of new and old parts, a big tool box, a few pieces of miscellaneous furniture, and kids bikes.  Himbeere also has a bunch of old parts and two big tool boxes out there.  I fantasize about replacing our SUV with a pickup truck.  That would enable us to get rid of the trailer.  We might even be able to get a car in. Yeah, there's still a ways to go before Brombeere would consider the garage clean again.  But for now, it's again more on the clean side than the messy side.  I count that as a win!

1 comment:

misskate said...

Wohoo! Yay forward progress.. that always feels nice. Good luck with the rest of it!