Saturday, April 11, 2009

Oh, Happy Day!!

You know how it is? You have a son get a mission call and you steel yourself for two years of not having him around, not being able to see him any more than letters, emails and a few phone calls on special holidays. You tough yourself for two years to be able to get thru it and then suddenly, its done! Amazing! Whooooa, he's home! And home he came! So we had almost everyone there at the airport, a welcoming committee, if you will. It was way cool.

Then came the hugs and tears. Two years can be so long and it feels so good when its over.

Soon as we were done at the airport we headed up to the stake center so he could meet with the stake president and have his "exit interview".

This at the map that is on the wall at the stake center. He's pointing to his name. He said that was an unusual experience. That was when the release came. When that was over he was no longer a full time missionary.
The "welcome home" cake, courtesy of his two younger sisters.

Lots of signs all around to help him feel welcome. But there was one that said it all.
So now his calender is booked with speaking appointments; stake conference and two sacrament meetings. He'll be speaking every weekend until he heads out west. Its so good that have him home!

1 comment:

Cindy said...

That's awesome! You must be excited to have him back and be very proud of him!