I was digging through some more old photos today and came across some from a summer afternoon in 1989, when the kids were playing in the sprinklers out front of the house we lived in at the time.
These were taken on my old SLR camera, a conventional camera as this pre-dates the digital era. It was a fun afternoon in June, the weather was nice, the sun was out so it was warm and the kids were having lots of fun and being cooperative. I was able to get some good photos. In fact, the kids were all feeling good enough to be hamming it up a bit. I had the shutter speed set pretty fast so it froze the water droplets in the air. That looks cool.
At the time, Blaubeere, Erdbeere and Moosebeere were the only ones outside playing. Heidlebeere was around but only a couple of years old so she wasn't outside playing in the water. Didn't like the sprinklers that much, though she eventually got over that. This was just before Stachelbeere was born.
It was a good day. Lots of fun. I like to remember those kinds of days.
9 months ago
1 comment:
Great pictures! Looks like a fun day! (Makes me wish for warmer weather!)
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