When you're a little kid, a highchair is a wonderful place. All kinds of exciting, wonderful things happen when you're in the highchair. Turtle, for example. Last fall, when we carved pumpkins for Halloween, Turtle worked on his pumpkin seated in the comfort of his highchair. Exciting times!
The best thing, though, is food. The highchair is the place to eat. Most of the time spent in the highchair is enjoying a wide variety of wonderful food. Some things are neater than others, like crackers. Not much mess to them at all. You can even keep your clothes on while eating crackers.
Other things are a little more of a mess. Then the shirt comes off 'cuz the kid digs right in. Doesn't take long before sometimes you can't tell what it started out as.
Spaghetti, a great favorite, remains recognizable through the whole meal.
Chocolate cake is another food you can count on for a real mess.
Then, of course, after you're done eating (well, not always) comes the after dinner nap.
The highchair is a pretty good place for sleeping, too. Especially if you got enough food in you to have a full tummy.
This is a little boy that is often too busy to stop during the day for a nap. He resists naps like you wouldn't believe.
But in the quiet, peaceful comfort of the highchair, the nap often sneaks up and catches him unaware.
And then ... he's gone. The only trick then is to get him out of the chair, cleaned up reasonably well, and into his bed without waking him up. That should be an Olympic event. Its a skill not everyone can master.
10 months ago
I love your way with words. They paint a fun picture!!
This is awesome.
That is all.
Aww! The cuteness! So sleepy :)
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