Saturday, March 31, 2018

Fickle Spring

Despite the forecast, we were still a little surprised to wake up this morning and see that it had been snowing during the night, and was still snowing.  I always like the way fresh fallen snow makes the yard look.
This was wet, heavy snow, too.  That made it stick to all the trees.
The nice thing was that, even though it coated everything, it wasn't frozen on real hard. Cleaning the windshield wasn't that much work when I went out.
Spring is a fickle time of year.  It was just a couple of days ago that the weather was warm and calm enough that I was out on my first bike ride of the season. It wasn't perfect bike weather, that won't happen for a few more weeks or even a month.  But it was still pretty nice. You can get used to that pretty quick after a long, cold winter.
Before, when the weather was nice
The street I rode out on looked pretty nice other day.
This morning, cold and wet
Today it was wet and slushy, cold and wintry.
First ride of the season
A clear, paved portion of the trail.
The same trail today, buried under inches of snow.  Luckily, this will melt off fairly fast and I hope to be able to be back outside, enjoying the spring!

1 comment:

misskate said...

So much snow! Spring is fickle :) Glad everyone was able to drive safely through it to visit!