Saturday, October 3, 2020

A Much Anticipated Road Trip

Because of the pandemic we haven't done much traveling this year. As a result, there are some of our kids that we haven't been able to see or spend time with near as much as we would have liked to. But there has been one event that we did not want to miss, by any means.  That was the baptism of one of our grandkids, Heidlebeere's son; so far we have been able to be to them all.  So we've really been wanting to go to this one, and things were shaping up so that it looked like we'd be able to go.  That would also give us a chance to see Moosebeere and his family as well.  We really wanted to be able to do that because it had been over a year since we were last able to visit them.  So this was a very much anticipated trip.  The plan, as it had shaped up, was to leave early on a Monday morning, hoping to get there by Tuesday evening.  But when Sunday evening rolled around and everything else was done, we looked at each other and realized that there really wasn't anything to wait for.  So we quick packed, threw everything in the car, and took off.  

And so it was that we found ourselves stopping for gas in Wyoming on Monday at a Sinclair station, you know, the ones with the cute dinosaurs that so many stations like to decorate?  This one, too.  Monday evening we pulled into Moosebeere's place after one of the better, quicker drives across the country that we've ever made.  I think we were anxious to get there.
Because of the pandemic, there really wasn't any place to go, so we just hung out at the house, enjoying this family that we hadn't seen for so long. The kids love playing on the trampoline, one of the more fun things they've been able to do with so many other things are shut down. 
It was fun.  It reminded me a lot of when I was growing up.  We also had a trampoline.  They were not nearly as popular back then, ours was the only one I knew of in the neighborhood and all the neighborhood kids loved to come jump on it.  Saw a lot of the same moves on Moosebeere's trampoline that we used to do on ours.
Anyway, one of the things we did do, since outdoor activities are generally acceptable, was drive up into the mountains for a picnic.
That was particularly nice since all the fall colors were still on.  Fall in the mountains can be really nice.
The variety of trees up in the mountains, at the higher elevations, is quite different from what we have at home.  And the added element of the mountains makes it really nice.
Up in the mountains you can see the colors stretch out for miles and miles.
We went way back in, up near the summit, which was about 9,000 feet.  Alas, there had been some cold weather just the week before we got there, including some snow, that had pretty much ended the colors up near the summit.  But driving there was really pretty.
At the top, we pulled out into a meadow, broke out the camp chairs, and had our picnic.  We had also brought our bocce ball game.  We've really liked it because even the youngest can play and have fun, right along with everyone else.  Its been fun watching the littler kids play it.  Some of them actually do pretty good with it.
Grandma got to spend some time with her youngest grandbaby, whom we haven't seen since last year when she was just a few months old.  Its amazing the difference a little over a year makes.  But what was really nice was that the little one took to her grandma right off the bat, they were good friends from the moment we walked in the door.  That made grandma really happy.

All too soon, our time with Moosebeere and his family drew to an end. It was a good visit, a relaxing visit, which I think we all benefited from.  Then it was on to Heidlebeere's for the main event.
The baptism was a little slow starting because the bishop had forgotten and was out of town.  Some last minute phone calls and juggling got the first counselor there, albeit a little late.
But in the end, the baptism took place and everyone was happy.
We also went picnicking with Heidlebeere's family, too.  This picnic was at a local park, rather than up in the mountains.  But that was okay.
The added bonus was that Stachelbeere has been staying with Heidlebeere since he graduated so we got to see him.  It has been even longer since we last got to spend some time with him.  So it was nice to see him, along with Heidlebeere and her family.
Camp chairs again, it was a good time.
Grandma had come prepared so one of the other things we did was make "slime" with the grandkids.  Kids seem to love slime, making it and playing with it. This time was no different.
So we spent time with the kids and grandkids, having fun and enjoying each other's company.  Unfortunately, all too soon it was time to head back home.  The trip was cut shorter than we'd have preferred, not by the need to get back to work but by an appointment we'd been unable to reschedule.  
So we hopped in our little Sonic and headed for home, making sure we stopped at a Sonic for lunch along the way.
I love taking our Sonic to a Sonic for lunch.  Unfortunately, they don't have them where we live so we have to make that stop when we're out west.
A good chance to get a nice hot dog; simple pleasures.

This was a good trip, a fun trip.  And now that we're retired and can go whenever we want, we might have to find an excuse to go again, certainly before another year goes by.

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