Wednesday, October 14, 2020

How Did Your Garden Grow?

Historically, when we have tried to grow a garden, we don't plant until Memorial Day. Before then there's too much chance of frost rendering your efforts useless.  This year, we decided to give it another shot so when Memorial Day was past, we put in a garden.  That was a bit of effort. But we did it and then during the summer, we'd get out there and try to help it grow.  It was mostly Brombeere that was out there, pulling weeds and moving water. Keeping ahead of the weeds seemed nearly impossible.  Yeah, they're part of the curse, so keeping ahead of the weeds is a pretty big job.  But we worked at it and didn't do too terribly bad, considering this was our first serious effort in several years.  

We only planted a single row of lettuce but got several cuttings from it, cut some off and more grows.  I like that kind of veggie.  A nice supplement to the lettuce we like to have at our house.
We also got a fair amount of beans.  We planted bush beans.  They're also nice in that you harvest some and more grow.  So we got several meals of garden fresh green beans.  They have a flavor that is really nice, actually better than canned or frozen beans.
Brombeere loves fresh tomatoes so she planted several of those, several different kinds.  So got quite a few tomatoes this year.  And she tried some varieties that we'd never had before.  So there were big tomatoes and little tomatoes, red ones, yellow ones, and black ones.  It was interesting.
She also planted cucumbers.  Poor girl, she had to eat those all by herself.  But I don't think she minded at all.  She really likes fresh cucumbers.
More green beans.  Once they came on they kept going for a while.
Brombeere also planted a few garden squash, another vegetable she didn't have to share.
And so it went.  It took a little while for the garden to get started but once it did, it did pretty good.  Especially since we were gone part of the time and pretty busy a lot of the time so we weren't able to get out there and weed as often as we would have liked.
Maybe there were so many weeds because they thought they had free run of the place.  After all, they'd had very little competition in the last few years.  At any rate, by early October the garden was pretty much done, the weather was growing cold again.  We covered a few things before the first predicted frost but pretty soon it was just too cold, stuff quit growing.  While we didn't get enough to can anything, it still did pretty good.  Brombeere did make some pickles out of a few of the cucumbers, just to try something new, but for the most part, everything that we harvested went on the table. In the hope that next summer won't be quite so busy, we might have to plan on trying this again. That could be pretty nice.

1 comment:

misskate said...

Yummy! Hooray for gardens that produce!