Saturday, June 2, 2018

He Loves His Uncle

There's been a little boy staying with us that has decided he likes his uncle. He likes that he lets him sit on his lap and watch train videos, or fire engine videos, or truck videos, or other such videos.
His sweet, smiling self!
At bed time, not only does this little boy like it, but its very helpful.  You can see that he's got one down and the other is yawning, getting closer to sleep.
Sometimes they just play.  He likes the rough housing, rowdy play that his uncle likes to dish out.
He will actually put up with quite a bit of "guff" from his uncle.
Whether they're watching videos ...
... or using him as climbing equipment, this little boy enjoys wallowing on his uncle.
The two of them can sometimes just go on and on, playing, laughing, and giggling.  The little guy does most of the giggling.  The big one just gets those big smiles that let you know he's having a good time, too.  When they're little its not much work to throw them around and they do seem to enjoy it so.
 No, he's not killing him.  They're just playing.
He likes wearing his uncle's hat and shades, pretty cool, no?
He tolerates a lot of his uncle's teasing and playing.
But then, I guess its pretty much mutual.  It goes both ways.  And they get along wonderfully.
You can tell it goes both ways because of little things, like the desktop picture on Himbeere's phone. Yeah, it goes both way.

1 comment:

misskate said...

Love that guy... kids have a way of sussing out who the quality folks are, and kids are totally drawn to that big guy :)